Customer Service

When I started BCBM Boat Share Ltd some 7 years ago I had a dream, and that was to create and deliver the highest level of customer service possible in shared ownership and use this standard of excellence as a platform on which I could build a shared own- ership company using these values and foundations which have become so important to what we now all believe here at BCBM Boat Share Ltd to be unparalleled, and now it's also undisputed.

Companies come and go but we're here to stay, and we'll continue to raise our game at every opportunity and every corner we turn, watching and learning from our competi- tors' shortfalls and misgivings. BCBM Boat Share Ltd have built a sound and transpar- ent reputation throughout the marine industry to date, and have become not only a force to be reckoned with, but also offer a solid and genuine service delivery from a company you can trust.

We look to create a comfort zone which enables our owners and customers to relax with the confidence that BCBM are doing what we do best, and that's manage our boats and syndicates with total professionalism and precision organisation to ensure that you the owner has the very best experience you can imagine, and one you also deserve.

We also appreciate that we are only human, and on the very rare occasion when some- thing may not quite go to plan, we have a tried and tested customer service charter in place which incorporates a complaints procedure to make sure we put things right, and you the owner / customer has the confidence that we'll assure complete satisfaction to any situation which may arise unexpectedly.

We're a family business who knows and appreciates just how important you are, and we value both you and any constructive comments you may have. We're always willing to listen to and learn from whatever you have to say and when it comes to your boat we know that "It's your money, it's your boat and most important of all, it's your decision" and we remember this in everything we do.

So if you're already an owner, or simply considering shared ownership, look no further than BCBM Boat Share Ltd. We manage 60 (yes sixty) syndicate boats and look after circa 1,450 owners, so considering our closest competitor manages just 17 boats with the third in line managing just 15 boats, we don't have to point out that really 1,450 owners simply can't be wrong, and believe you me, they've all certainly done their homework just like you are doing as well. At the end of it all, their decision was an un- precedented, let's join BCBM Boat Share Ltd, they simply are the best from what we've seen and learnt during our extensive research into Boat Share.

Andrew Barton
Managing Director

Read our Customer Service Charter

BC Boat Management Ltd

Nantwich Marina, Basin End
Chester Road

01270 811500